Monday, June 9, 2014

BlueBox2.0 document pagination templates

BlueBox2.0 includes pagination templates that display long documents in a paginated format.

It is now possible to specify the number of lines on the first page differently from the number of lines on the subsequent pages by simply splitting the line-count with a pipe | and specify page 1's count first followed by the count for page 2 onwards after that.

For example:

<!--:class:bb_sales_quotes_items:viewlist_print|sales_quoteISbb_sales_quotesID=(#_id#) and _id>=(#pdl_start_row#) and _id<=(#pdl_end_row#):-->

Monday, June 2, 2014

Neater Table to CSV Exports in BlueBox2


BlueBox includes a javascript library and PHP function which automatically exports tabular data to CSV export by simply adding ".table2csv_export('table_id')." into the string above your <table id=table_id> tag.

This feature has existed for a few years, but has been updated now to improve trimming of the contents. The numbers and text snippets in each cell are now trimmed to perform more reliably in Excel.