Setting permissions in BB2.0 can be quite hard work. The system works on the principle of denying all access to all system functions unless told otherwise. At BlueBox we believe permissions systems should work this way, but that does make setting up a system time consuming.
As a quick recap of how the BB2.0 permissions structure works: permissions are issued per user group, and a user inherits the aggregation of all the permissions for all the groups they are in when he or she logs into the system. This is the cached into their session-state and, if changes are made to their profile/permissions, they would normally need to log out and back in again to get the new permissions.
In-line permissions setting
To ease the pain we have just released a new 'inline' permission setting functionality. Basically, when a user is presented with a 'you do not have permissions' dialogue, there is a SET button which appears. This allows another user, with the correct permissions, to assign the missing permissions to that user 'on the fly'. The new permission is automatically set (without the need to log out) and the user can proceed as required.
Quick refresh
Another innovation is the session-refresh functionality which was recently added next to the 'edit user' link in the top left of the screen. This nifty link simply refreshes all the system cache'd items for that user, including the menu. This will save users having to log off for updates in future.
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