Monday, July 18, 2011

Updated Security In BlueBox2.0

BlueBox2.0 security and passwords just got a bit of a face-lift with the inclusion of 2 new features:

Javascript Password Confirmation:

When entering a new password (or changing an existing one) a Javascript/modal popup is initiated which confirms the password prior to accepting it.

New bbsettings for Enhanced Security:

These new bbsettings have been added to the bb_secure module and can be edited via admin->module settings...

A new standard minimum password length of 5 characters has been introduced. This can be shortened or lengthened by editing bbsetting_enable_password_length for bb_secure to the number of characters required.

You can also force combined alpha/numeric passwords by setting bbsetting_enable_password_alphanumeric to 1.

Finally, you can force users to update/change their password regularly by setting bbsetting_enable_force_password_change_in_days to the number of days per cycle.

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