New to BlueBox2.0 this week is a System Statistics Module.
This new module is still in it's infancy, and currently stores a history of the highest ram-consuming page in the past hour on the server. The obvious uses for this report are to monitor which users/pages/reports are causing ram/processor outages on the system. We used the memory_get_peak_usage() function in PHP for this. An interesting article on PHP memory usage can be seen here.
To find the report go to Admin->System Stats
Available bbsettings for this module are:
bbsetting_system_stats_enable_storage : defaults to 1 (on) but can be disabled with a 0
bbsetting_system_stats_store_for_days : deafults to 7, number of days before 'old data' is deleted from the cache
In future this module will be used to store slow SQL queries, peak-usage stats etc.
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