Friday, April 26, 2013

New BlueBox2.0 Accounts Summary Widget

There is a new widget which you can install into your BlueBox2.0 dashboard which allows you to view a summary of your accounts - specifically your debtors and creditors.

The tag to use in the Home Boxes module is


This produces a widget with your current debtors (accounts receivable) total, as well as a graph of the debtors ageing totals at current, 30 days, 60 days, 120 days etc. Finally it also produces a list of the 10 biggest current debtors with links to their accounts.

The same is produced for the creditors.

Monday, April 8, 2013

New BlueBox2.0 Form Builder

The new BlueBox2.0 Form Builder allows you to select which fields to include in the standard forms for each BB2.0 module in your system. To access it go to Admin > Modules > Form Builder.

The interface starts with a module selector, and once you have selected the module you want to create a form for you are presented with the option of editing an existing form for that module, or creating a new one:
When adding or editing a new form you are able to select whether it only applies to a certain group, or if it applies to all users who do not have 'admin' permissions for the selected module. This feature determines whether your new form will be used when the system tries to show the 'standard' add/edit form for the module, so if either of these are selected it will attempt to show the new form if the user qualifies for either 'group' or 'non admin' status as selected.
Lastly, you need to select which fields are to be shown in your new form.

This is the first version of this new module, and it will soon be updated to include these additional features:
  • selection of 'linked' data to be included in the form (ie user group, or item category etc)
  • form layout via drag-n-drop
  • setting form field titles and tooltip help boxes