In BlueBox2.0 we recently made some amendments to the way SO's link automatically via the POs generated by the Replenishment/MRP report.
- SO auto-allocation is switched on using the 'attempt to auto allocate' switch in the filter - the wording is important here as this is an 'approximate method' - the system tries to find the list of hungry SO items and marry then to the items ordered, however, there are many outside factors that can affect this (ie if the items are ordered manually outside of this process) - so it remains an 'attempt'.
- If this switch is ON, the system builds a list of hungry SO items and counts their total. It then checks to see that the amount to order (ie the input QTY on each line) is more than or equal to this qty.
- If the qty to order is sufficient, an icon shows with a page stack which indicates that the auto-allocation is ON for that line. Clicking on the page stack shows all the SOs and what is being allocated for each one.
- If the qty to order is not enough to supply the hungry SOs the icon changes to an 'alert' and the auto-allocation will be 'disabled' for that line. Clicking on the icon will show the qty required for this to be changed to a 'page stack' and if the qty to order is manually adjusted to this qty the icon will change and the auto-allocation will be switched on.
- If 'no icon' is showing next to the SO backorder qty, this indicates that there were no hungry SOs found for that line (or the new setting in the filter has not been switched on);.
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