Saturday, August 13, 2011

PHP code for rendering a 'barrel widget' for charting and graphing.

I had call to write a PHP based barrel widget the other day and through I'd share the process.
The end-result needed to look like this: 
In order to achieve this, I chopped the graphic into the following PNG files:

Then the code which made it render as a complete new 'barrell chart' or 'barrell widget' looked like this:

function graph_render_barrel($val,$name){
    //$val is the percent value passed to the function, and $name is the name of the file to be saved
    $img = imagecreatefrompng("g_barrel.png");
    imagealphablending($img, true);
    imagesavealpha($img, true);
    $greenbase = imagecreatefrompng("g_barrel_breen_bot.png");
    imagealphablending($greenbase, true);
    imagesavealpha($greenbase, true);
    $greenmid = imagecreatefrompng("g_barrel_breen_bak.png");
    imagealphablending($greenmid, true);
    imagesavealpha($greenmid, true);
    $greentop = imagecreatefrompng("g_barrel_breen_top.png");
    imagealphablending($greentop, true);
    imagesavealpha($greentop, true);
    $stretch=floor(184*($val/100)); //0 to 184
    imagecopyresampled($img, $greenbase, 2, 211, 0, 0, 143,21, 143,21);
    imagecopyresampled($img, $greenmid, 2, (211-$stretch), 0, 0, 143,(20+($stretch-20)), 143,20);
    imagecopyresampled($img, $greentop, 2, ((211-$stretch)-22), 0, 0, 143,45, 143,45);
    imagepng ( $img , "portal/saasmsallstar/UserFiles/bb_crp_graph_images/$filename" , 0 ,  PNG_ALL_FILTERS);
    return($name); //handle possible retuns here

So, in practice it could be used like this:

echo("<img src=\"".graph_render_barrel(66,"path/to/new_graphic.png")."\" >");

Managing Timezones in BlueBox2.0

If you need to set the timzone for your BB2.0 system, or for specific timezones for individual users, you can use the following built-in settings:
  • for a system-wide setting, set the config (admin->config) setting system_default_timezone
  • for a user-specific timezone setting there is a field in the bb_users table called 'timezone'
The value for either of these can be set to one of the standards described in

Adding Multiple email responses to new data added in BB2.0

If you are familiar with the bbsetting_email_onadd setting for BlueBox2.0, you may be interested to know that you can set multiple arrays which send different results to various recipients, as follows:

In a .php file, use the following:

var $bbsetting_email_onadd=array(
from"=>"","subject"=>"Subject One","template"=>"email_one"),
array("to"=>"","bcc"=>"","from"=>"","subject"=>"Subject Two","template"=>"email_two")
or if you are editing within Admin->module settings, you can enter nested arrays as follows:
{,,subject=Subject One for Admin Email,template=name_of_email_
{,,subject=Subject Two for User Email ,template=name_of_email_template_for_user,}